From November 25 to December 2, Christ Is the Answer ministry team is holding a Thanksgiving…More details
Christ Is the Answer Ministry in Addis Ababa has printed the first issue of an evangelistic…More details
"Cristo es la Respuesta" is the title of the evangelistic newspaper "Christ is the Answer" in…More details
In October, CITA missionaries and volunteers held charity eye clinics in Zaporizhzhia (Ukraine),…More details
In the age of high information technologies, when it seems that print media should be extinct, it…More details
On October 16, CITA missionaries in India graduated the fourth group of 9 students from the…More details
Christ is the Answer (CITA) missionaries and staff, pastors, bishops in IDP status and from the…More details
From September 19 to October 5, CITA (Christ Is the Answer) Ministry director Taras Sen visited…More details
On October 15-19, the Ukrainian missionary team of Christ Is the Answer International Ministry…More details
On September 21, the volunteers of the CITA ministry in Chernivtsi held a charity eye clinic for…More details
From September 19 to October 5, the international ministry Christ is the Answer will hold…More details
On September 12, representatives of the CITA Kyiv office attended a one-day summit of professional…More details
The CITA Ministry in Ethiopia has signed an agreement with the Christian television station GMM to…More details
Summer camps were held in July and August in Ivano-Frankivsk, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, and Zaporizhzhia…More details
A regular meeting of the missionary and staff team of Christ Is the Answer Ministry was held on…More details
A CITA evangelistic tent for street ministry has already appeared in Vinnytsia. As of August, the…More details
Christ is the Answer missionary from India shared the results of the Bible School where the fourth…More details
The citizens of Rivne were able to read about the fact that Jesus brings freedom and healing to…More details
Pastor and missionary Taras Sen has been visiting Ethiopia for three and a half years as part of…More details
In one of the nine regions of Oromia, Ethiopia, a CITA missionary, having graduated from the Addis…More details
Zaporizhzhia, Mykolaiv, Ternopil: CITA missionaries hold summer camps for children in the…More details
On July 18-21, Christ is the Answer International Ministry, in partnership with local churches,…More details
In Vietnam, local volunteers conducted free eye clinics and the Ministry printed evangelistic…More details
In June, Christ Is the Answer missionaries from Ternopil met with severely wounded soldiers, wives…More details
CITA missionaries from Mykolaiv have been reaching out to several penal colonies and a prison in…More details
Volunteers from local churches started evangelistic tent ministries in Dnipro and its region, and…More details
Taras Sen, director of "Christ is the Answer" ministry and pastor of the church of the same name,…More details
In Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhia and Rivne regions, CITA missionaries organized Children's Day…More details
The media department of Christ is the Answer Ministry continues to develop Christian resources for…More details
Christ is the Answer missionaries of the Southern Region held thematic Easter meetings in the…More details
About 50 people in the village of Mamarai, Papua New Guinea, heard the Gospel through a charity…More details
During the Easter season, Christ Is the Answer (CITA) missionaries at the local church of the same…More details
Printed materials, free eye clinics, and charity are the tools used by CITA ministers to preach…More details
In the towns and villages of Zaporizhzhia and Mykolaiv region, Christ Is the Answer missionaries…More details
Christ Is the Answer missionaries, who get monthly support from the Ministry, can serve people…More details
The international ministry of “Christ Is the Answer” began with helping to feed children at one of…More details
Gospel programs on national television in Mongolia and eye clinics in two countries: details of…More details
In the suburbs of Cologne, Germany, a local church received the first evangelistic tent with Bible…More details
CITA missionaries have established a youth home group in a village located in the Zaporizhzhia…More details
"A ministry of mercy". This is how Andriy Vasenda, a missionary with Christ Is the Answer, and his…More details
In March, missionaries from Nova Odesa, Mykolaiv Region, ministered in one of the local churches…More details
On March 22, the Christ Is the Answer missionaries met again online to share the results of their…More details
The world-renowned program that covers the essentials of the Christian faith, the Alpha Course,…More details
In the hinterland of Kharkiv region, missionary and pastor of Christ Is the Answer Church Serhiy…More details
In February, the director of Christ Is the Answer International Ministry (CITA) made his tenth…More details
In the city of Chuko in southern Ethiopia, tens of thousands of participants prayed for Ukraine…More details
On February 15-18, a team of Ukrainian missionaries, together with ministers from local churches,…More details
In January, mission teams from the south, west and east regions of Ukraine met with internally…More details
Christ Is the Answer International Ministries (CITA) continues to spread the Gospel in Ukraine and…More details
Taras Sen, a missionary with more than 20 years of experience, began his work in the Luhansk…More details
Vietnamese calendars and a charity eye clinic: Christ Is the Answer International Ministry has…More details
Director of Christ Is the Answer Ministry spoke about God and CITA's activities in Ukraine and…More details
In December, Christ Is the Answer Ministry Director Taras Sen was invited to participate in the…More details
Christ Is the Answer missionaries in the Eastern, Western and Southern regions of Ukraine held…More details
In mid-December, the international ministry Christ Is The Answer, together with local churches,…More details
From December 11 to 17, Ukrainian missionaries of CITA, together with local churches in Ethiopia,…More details
In November, CITA International Ministry prepared seasonal printed materials for free distribution…More details
In 2023 the media of Rivne, Ternopil and Zaporizhzhia spread information about the activities of…More details
CITA International Ministry volunteers continue to provide medical care, eyeglasses and the Gospel…More details
During the week of November 11-19, Christ is the Answer International Ministry held a flash mob…More details
"The Gospel tent is a point of support for people in times of war". This is the idea of a flash…More details
Helding eye clinics, helping the needy and planting new churches: Christ Is The Answer…More details
The Christ is the Answer Ministry has provided Bibles, Christian books and comic books for…More details
From October 17-22, Christ Is The Answer International Ministry partnered with local churches in…More details
Christ is the Answer International Ministry (CITA) is helping the needy in Venezuela, a country…More details
The first programs of the director of the Christ is the Answer Ministry and the pastor of the…More details
The seventh annual conference of the International Ministry "Christ is the Answer" brought…More details
On October 17-22, Christ Is The Answer International Ministry, in cooperation with local churches,…More details
Christ Is the Answer International Ministry continues to serve the regions of Ukraine through…More details
For the first time, a free eye clinic was held in Balta, Odesa region, in cooperation with Christ…More details
A graduation ceremony at a children's Bible school, the third intake at a missionary school, and…More details
The missionaries of Christ Is the Answer International Ministry (CITA) in the southern and western…More details
CITA invites you to participate in the drawing of the Bible Alias board game. We will be giving…More details
With the support of the International Ministry Christ Is The Answer (CITA), the evangelistic and…More details
About 30% of the population of Mexico are Indians of various tribes. How the descendants of…More details
Ruslan Andreichenko and his wife Svetlana have been missionaries in Mongolia since 1994. The…More details
On August 15, the missionaries of the International Ministry "Christ Is the Answer" once again met…More details
The international Christ is the Answer ministries has created YouTube channels to preach the…More details
At the beginning of August, missionaries of the international ministries Christ is the Answer…More details
The International Christ is the Answer ministries has developed a card game Bible…More details
Izium, Zmiyiv, Zanky, Balaklia are localities in the Kharkiv region a CITA missionary from…More details
Life is valuable. CITA missionaries in Zaporizhzhia and region use this program to conduct…More details
Missionaries of the international Christ is the Answer ministries have presented 50 thousand…More details
The Christ is the Answer ministries has planted a church in Ziway Batu, Oromia region. This is the…More details
The Christ is the Answer ministries has provided social tents to churches in the Khmelnytskyi,…More details
Missionaries of the Christ is the Answer ministries use different tools to share the Good News in…More details
In Zaporizhzhia, Rivne, and the Mykolaiv region, missionary teams from the Christ is the Answer…More details
In Zaporizhzhia, Ternopil, Rivne, Mykolaiv region, Kharkiv region, and Kyiv region, 1165 people…More details
On May 19-21, CITA missionaries from Ukraine, in cooperation with local churches and…More details
The missionary team in Ternopil, based at the "Bread of Life" church, organized a Mother's Day…More details
The international Christ is the Answer ministries has launched a charitable fundraising campaign…More details
On May 27th, World Evangelism Day is celebrated, with Christians across different continents…More details
From May 19-21, an international ministries Christ is the Answer (CITA) in collaboration with…More details
On May 3, prison chaplain and missionary of the international ministries Christ is the Answer,…More details
In April, Kyrgyzstan saw the first charitable eye clinic with support of the international Christ…More details
During the week of April 10-16, a flashmob was held in honor of Christ's Resurrection, organized…More details
Zaporizhzhia, Rivne, Ternopil, Kharkiv region, Kyiv region, Mykolaiv region, Africa and Asia -…More details
“Ministry near the frontline is underway for 24 hours a day. Hennadiy and Olena, missionaries from…More details
On April 14-16, churches and missions are invited to participate in a joint Easter flash mob. The…More details
On March 7-9, 2023, missionaries of the Christ is the Answer underwent a training in chaplaincy…More details
The full-scale war of russia against Ukraine adjusted the activities of the Christ is the Answer…More details
She grew up in a family of devoted Christians in Ukraine, graduated from university with honours,…More details
The printed materials of the Christ is the Answer ministries - calendars - have been prepared for…More details
"Are you willing to pay the price?" Taras Sen, a pastor from Luhansk region, heard after a fervent…More details
On February 16-19, Ethiopia saw a crusade in the city of Sodo, organized by the Christ is the…More details
Slavic community in Knoxville Tennessee, USA, in cooperation with the international Christ is the…More details
Missionaries of the Christ Is the Answer (CITA) continue to spread the Gospel in different regions…More details
From February 16 to 19, in Ethiopia, in the city of Sodo, the Christ is the Answer ministries…More details
The team of the Christ is the Answer missionaries from Nova Odesa distributes wood stoves in the…More details
Forty people were consulted by an ophthalmologist at an eye clinic in Zaporizhzhia and were…More details
Missionaries of the Christ is the Answer ministries, along with ministers of the same-names Rivne…More details
Christmas time is a time to talk about the true essence of the holiday and an occasion to show…More details
"Since the first days of the war, I have been praying for my friends and relatives who are serving…More details
Missionaries of the Christ is the Answer continue to serve the Ukrainian people using various…More details
The international mission “Christ is the answer” develops media ministry and conducts missionary…More details
It is quietly snowing in front of the lights, snowy sidewalks in a park you feel like walking…More details
A four-day evangelistic crusade in Ethiopia in the city of Dilla gathered one hundred thousand…More details
The year of 2016. Two graduates of the missionary school with a six months difference in their…More details
Christian author, performer and missionary Andriy Vasenda presented his second album "We must…More details
Ethiopia, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and now India. As pastor and missionary Taras Sen says,…More details
“Good News” is the name of the first program made by the Christ is the Answer Ministries which…More details
Zaporizhzhia, Mykolaiv, Rivne, Kharkiv region, Kyiv region, Donetsk region: at the regular meeting…More details
The largest city residential district in Ukraine is Saltivka, Kharkiv, with its population over…More details
In November, Christ is the Answer missionaries met CITA ministers from India and Ethiopia and held…More details
From December 1 to 4, in the city of Dilla, Ethiopia, the Christ is the Answer ministries in…More details
CITA's eye clinics as a tool of spreading the Gospel were held in Thailand and Ethiopia in…More details
In Zaporizhzhia, the Christ is the answer missionaries have opened three clubs for children and…More details
"The local people in the occupied territory had a crisis because pensions and salaries were not…More details
A missionary family of the Vasends from Ternopil has been jointly supporting their fellow…More details
In September, the ministry of free eye clinics was held for the first time in Thailand with the…More details
Eye clinics, a Christian newspaper, children's celebrations, trips to the Carpathians and charity…More details
Those living in the territories of the 10/40 window are considered unreached by the Gospel. These…More details
The sixth missionary conference “Expand my boundaries, Lord!” gathered more than 80…More details
Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. Ukrainian missionary Taras Sen visited three Latin American…More details
FOOD&HOPE. A charity event for the needy in Ukraine, suffering from the war in combat zones,…More details
How did a team of missionaries preach the Gospel to the descendants of the Mazahua tribe in…More details
Bangladesh, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, India. These are new countries for the Christ is the…More details
At the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russian troops into Ukraine, the Christ is the…More details
This interview is about Cambodia, a country of smiles and orphans, local people and their…More details
People in Ukraine, Ethiopia, Cambodia and Uzbekistan have the opportunity to hear the Good News…More details
The Christ is the Answer missionaries continue to serve TDPs in the Western, Eastern and Southern…More details
To spread the Good News in Ukraine, the CITA Ministries have published another edition of the…More details
The Christ the Answer ministries continue to spread the Good News around the world. Uzbekistan has…More details
To celebrate Children's Day, CITA missionaries have arranged events for young residents of…More details
On June 4, another meeting of the CITA team was held. The Ministries Director instructed the team…More details
In Kyiv, Rivne, Kharkiv and Khmelnytskyi regions, CITA missionaries, in cooperation with local…More details
Taras Sen’, the director of the Christ is the Answer Ministries and missionary with 20 years of…More details
The missionaries of the Christ is the Answer Ministries organize events for the internally…More details
As he was walking around the building of a bombed-out church in Rubizhne, where he served and…More details
“Send me an assignment urgently”, “Can I have a Bible verse?” “I want to catch up with the…More details
At the online meeting of the ministries team of the Christ is the Answer on May 2, the…More details
The Christ is the Answer missionaries held Easter services for the temporarily displaced in Rivne,…More details
During the war in Ukraine, the international ministries the Christ is the Answer continues to…More details
The Christ is the Answer missionaries have been issued an official document for their volunteer…More details
On April 4, during an online meeting of the Christ is the Answer missionaries, ministers shared…More details
In the time of war, ministers continue sharing the Gospel and caring about people with the help of…More details
Missionaries of the Christ is the Answer Ministries have arranged temporary housing and food, as…More details
Temporary accommodation and food, as well as social and psychological assistance for TDPs were…More details
The Christ is the Answer missionaries are still staying in Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, Luhansk regions,…More details
In Ethiopia, a thousand people heard about Jesus Christ through the charity eye clinic of the…More details
Since 2021, the Christ is the Answer ministries in Ethiopia has printed and distributed 200,000…More details
In Ethiopia, in the city of Hosanna, the Christ is the Answer minstries in cooperation with local…More details