Charitable eye clinics preach the Gospel in the countries of the world
16 November 2022
CITA’s eye clinics as a tool of spreading the Gospel were held in Thailand and Ethiopia in October. The most important role of such charity events is to tell about God’s love in Jesus Christ.

60 Buddhists – adults and children – had free consultation of an ophthalmologist, received glasses, and also heard the Gospel.
“We held an eye clinic in the city of Chonburi, Thailand, 97 km from Bangkok. All the attendees were very touched, because thanks to the help of caring people, they were able to get glasses. During the event, we treated everyone to coffee, cookies and noodles, and also prayed for the people that God Almighty would bless them and be with them all their lives. Please continue to support our brothers and sisters in Christ in Thailand,” commented Faraz Pervaiz Roshan, an eye clinic coordinator in Thailand.

Missionaries and volunteers actively work in Asian countries: widows and orphans in Bangladesh are provided with food, and in Thailand, ministers support refugees from Pakistan.

In one of the cities of Ethiopia, CITA missionaries held another eye clinic, which reached 500 people.
“For two days, ophthalmologists were examining people and giving them glasses. Muslims, Orthodox and Protestants sought medical help. They listened to the word of God, prayed and blessed the Christ is the Answer ministries. Some promised to pray for Ukraine when they heard that eye clinics had been initiated by Ukrainians.

These campaigns are a significant help to Ethiopians, because not everyone can afford glasses.
Also, all interested people received “Christ is the Answer” newspapers in Amharic and a calendar as a gift. They eagerly read articles and testimonials.
It is good to hear that even Muslims bless Christians and the Christian mission. Good deeds always soften people’s hearts,” shared the Director of the Ministries, Taras Sen.

According to him, a missionary school from the Christ is the Answer started in the capital of Ethiopia. After training, students will go to different regions of the country to plant churches.
The Christ is the Answer ministries is developing International ministry using various tools of outreach (among them: eye clinics, a Christian printed newspaper, helping the poor, etc.) in 14 countries of the world on different continents.
Press center of the misionary “Christ is the answer”.