CITA Conducts First Eye Clinic in Kyrgyzstan and Opens Two Churches in Ethiopia
27 April 2023
In April, Kyrgyzstan saw the first charitable eye clinic with support of the international Christ is the Answer ministries. Graduates of the CITA missionary school opened two churches. Missionaries of the ministries held a number of Easter events in regions.

15 people benefited from consultations of the ophthalmologist and received glasses as a present and also heard the Gospel in the first eye clinic in the city of Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan.

Sunday gatherings, children’s services, distribution of Christian newspapers and calendars, eye clinic: graduates of the CITA missionary school opened two churches in Jinka, southern Omo Zone of Ethiopia.
Taot Amliko, which is translated from the Amharic language as “worshiping witchcraft” is the most popular religion in the region.
A team of missionaries in Zaporizhzhia continues actively serving local residents in prayer tents, children’s clubs, and transport.
A missionary Oleksiy shared that parents had joined their children to attend the Easter celebration where they heard about the true meaning of the resurrection of Christ, impressed by facts behind this event.

According to a missionary named Ihor, two people are already going through recovery at specialized centers for addicts due to the ministry to the homeless and needy.

Easter events for children were held in Dilnyche, which is in the Mykolaiv region. The children did an Easter performance to their grandfathers and grand mothers in a nursing home for elderly people. A missionary and pastor Viktor compared their reaction to young guests with “holy oil.”

Another issue of the all-Ukrainian newspaper Christ is the Answer of 120 thousand copies has been published and distributed in different regions of the country. The issue includes articles and testimonies about Easter.

Additional boards of the Ministries which remind residents of the resurrection of Christ have been mounted in the Rivne and Khmelnytskyi regions.

On Easter, a mobile thematic CITA banner was cruising around the city.
In April, there was also another monthly meeting held with a team of CITA missionaries, where the Ministries director reminded of the importance of eternal things in life and ministry and relevant perception of temporary things.
Printed produce and eye clinics are popular evangelistics instruments used by CITA in other countries, including those restricting Christianity.

In Pakistan, another eye clinic was held in the city of Lahore, where more than a hundred people received help and improved their eyesight. According to local minister Roshan, Christians and Muslims took part in the campaign. Many of the participants asked to pray for them.
During the current month, eye clinics were also held in Guatemala and Honduras.

Five thousand calendars were printed in Spanish for distribution to the population of Honduras, Mexico and Colombia.
The Christ is the Answer international ministries was founded in 2014 with the main goal to spread the Gospel with the help of various instruments of sharing the Gospel in Ukraine and beyond.
CITA press center.