CITA: Ninth Church Is Planted in Ethiopia
25 July 2023
The Christ is the Answer ministries has planted a church in Ziway Batu, Oromia region. This is the ninth church in Ethiopia.

“Ethiopia needs Jesus Christ. Especially the Oromia region where the Muslim and orthodox population dominates. That is why we started a church to spread the Gospel,” shared Mikhretu Shanko Diego, a pastor of a church in Ziwey Batu.

The population of Ziwey Batu professes various religions. The majority are Muslin. The others are orthodox, protestant or pagans.
MIkhretu, being a graduate from the CITA missionary school in Ethiopia, started preaching in this city. He distributed the Christ is the Answer newspapers in the Akhmar language. These newspapers write about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and call to love God, proving it with changes in one’s life and thinking. As a result, a church community was formed.

The church of around 50 people established by the missionary Mikhretu gathers in a rented tiny house. Its services are attended by people of different beliefs, including Muslims. Several people have already decided to commit their lives to the Lord.

To start a church from scratch is not easy. Mikhretu Shanko Diego preaches twice a week to share the news about Christ in church gatherings. He also preaches in streets of the city and offers a newspaper issued by the ministries for free.
Also, the church in Ziwey Batu is looking for finances and a larger building for evangelism. Missionaries in Ethiopia said that some Muslims refused to rent out premises to them. That is why it is so difficult to find a room to be used for worship.

“We would like to fulfill a great commandment of Jesus Christ which is to preach about salvation. That is why we help churches to effectively serve God. Our mission lies in supporting Christian churches through various means such as newspapers, eye clinics…” stressed Erubal Mulatu Basope, the leader of the CITA missionary team in Ethiopia.

“The devil often acts, using envious and cunning people, to stop our preaching of the Gospel. But the Lord hears prayers and answers. I am thankful to everyone who prays for our work,” said the CITA director Taras Sen’.

In the last year and a half, the Christ is the Answer ministries has started nine new churches in Ethiopia.
CITA Press-Center.