CITA ministries continues to spread the Gospel in other countries

29 April 2022

During the war in Ukraine, the international ministries the Christ is the Answer continues to evangelize in other countries.

CITA ministries continues to spread the Gospel in other countries

“Jesus Christ spoke in the Gospel from Matthew 23:23, that “this should be done and that should not be omitted.” The war has set its priorities, and some things seem secondary. Although our Ministries switched to helping the Ukrainian people, we still continue to do what we started in other countries.

CITA ministries continues to spread the Gospel in other countries

In Ethiopia, a church opened by the Ministries, an evangelistic tent service are developing, charity clinics are being held, and a new edition of a Christian newspaper is being prepared for release. Only in connection with the events in Ukraine, we had to cancel the crusade in Ethiopia planned for April,” commented Taras Sen, director of the Christ is the Answer ministries.

A part of the Ministries team has been working in Ethiopia since February after having an evangelistic crusade by the Christ is the Answer. During their stay there, the Ukrainian side opened a missionary branch of CITA and founded a local church from the Ministries.

CITA ministries continues to spread the Gospel in other countries

Several Sunday services have already been held in the new church, including the Easter service, including children ministry.

CITA ministries continues to spread the Gospel in other countries

There are already three missionaries working in the missionary branch, who conduct street outreach events, tent ministries with prayer for people and distribution of theChrist is the Answer newspapers.

CITA ministries continues to spread the Gospel in other countries

They also conduct free evangelistic eye clinics and children’s street events where, in addition to entertainment, children are told what God has done for people in Jesus Christ.

Previously, the Christ is the Answer ministries held two evangelistic crusades, eye clinics and seminars for pastors and ministers in different cities of Ethiopia in the spring and autumn of 2021. A branch of the CITA media center with a staff of media workers has also been opened and is operating.


The ministries continues cooperation with the missionary in Cambodia Yevhenyi Evva. The ministries allocated funds for the purchase of glasses for charitable eye clinics in this country.

CITA ministries continues to spread the Gospel in other countries

According to Yevhenyi, eye clinics are a significant help for local churches in spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom, as well as an indispensable support for the elderly in this country, many of whom cannot afford to buy glasses.

In 2021, two free eye clinics were held in Cambodia with the support of the Ministries, which helped more than 80 people.

In addition to equipment for eye clinics, the Ministries plans to print Christian calendars to distribute among the local population, most of whom are Buddhists and have never heard of Jesus Christ before.

Other countries

In May, we plan to conduct free eye clinics for residents of Uzbekistan: the Ministries has purchased equipment for vision testing and glasses.

And the Mission team handed over evangelistic tents to Polish churches and is preparing materials in Polish for the CITA YouTube channel.

And the Ministries team handed over evangelistic tents to Polish churches and is preparing materials in Polish for the CITA YouTube channel.

At the same time, representatives of the Christ is the Answer are negotiating with ministers in India about possible cooperation in spreading the Gospel.

The international ministries Christ is the Answer cooperates with ministers and churches in Ukraine, Poland, USA, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Kenya, Nepal.

The Press Center of the Christ is the Answer ministries.

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