CITA’s evangelism tools are used in the Global South (April review).
13 May 2024
Printed materials, free eye clinics, and charity are the tools used by CITA ministers to preach the Gospel in Latin America and Asia. In April, we handed out calendars in Spanish, held eye clinics in Cambodia and Guatemala, and helped folks in Bangladesh and Venezuela who needed it. In Ethiopia, street evangelism was conducted.
Latin America

The Ministry printed 10,000 calendars for evangelism in Spanish-speaking countries in South America. They’ve been sent to El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.

The Christian calendars were given to the Honduran police.

People in Mexico also received calendars from the Christ is the Answer Ministry.

In Guatemala, 120 people heard the Gospel and received medical care from a professional doctor and glasses. Local volunteers held a charity eye clinic in the second largest city, Quetzaltenango.
According to the CITA director, most of the patients at this event were of the mestizo ethnic group. Along with glasses, they also received Christian literature, which included the New Testament.

In Guatemala, eye clinics are held in evangelistic tents.

Thanks to the help of some caring people, the Ministry is able to reach and feed children in Venezuela with the Gospel. They manage to reach about 200 kids.
Representatives from the Addis Ababa Ministry Center conducted street evangelism. 1500 people heard the Word of God. The ministers used posters with the following inscriptions for the Gospel: “It is Jesus who loves you”, “Life or death”. The missionaries also distributed the newspaper “Christ is the Answer” in the Amharic language.

According to Pastor Erubal Mulatu, in one of the daughter churches in the Oromo region, four people were baptized in water, two of whom were Muslims before their conversion to God. These are the results of 8 months of work by one of the Center’s missionaries.
The Ministry regularly serves widows in Bangladesh by providing them with food. The women, for their part, say they are praying for Ukraine.

This is not the first time eye clinics have been held in Cambodia with the help of missionary Yevhen Yevva. In poor villages and prisons, people receive expert advice and eyeglasses as a gift. Through such outreaches, Yevhen says, the Gospel is not only spread among the Khmer people, but also the right attitude toward the evangelical churches is formed.
In India, four people were baptized in water at the local “Christ Is the Answer” church.
Christ Is the Answer International Ministry serves in 22 countries around the world using various tools of evangelism: eye clinics, tents, printed materials (newspapers, calendars), billboards, charity, social ministry, missionary work, etc.
CITA Press Center.