Ethiopia: CITA continues ministry in Addis Ababa
6 October 2023
A graduation ceremony at a children’s Bible school, the third intake at a missionary school, and another 100,000 copies of an evangelistic newspaper: the ministry center and church in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa continue to spread the Gospel.
At Christ is the Answer church in Addis Ababa, 34 children of various ages attended Bible school for two months. In addition to spiritual disciplines, the children practiced sports, learned computer skills, and played games. At the end, all the young participants received graduation certificates.

Parents were invited to the graduation ceremony and were shown a video of the children’s two months of study in the church. The children prepared a graduation skit. According to the Ethiopian missionaries, the parents want their children to attend the service and Sunday school. Our missionary team has done a fruitful work and we thank them,” said Taras Sen, CITA mission director.
The missionary school of the International Ministry “Christ is the Answer” also continues to function. Graduates of the two previous classes are already serving as missionaries, planting churches and preaching the Gospel. In two years, 12 churches were planted in different provinces of Ethiopia.

Currently, 14 students from the third intake are mastering missionary studies.
For Ethiopia, Christ is the Answer Ministry has again printed an evangelistic newspaper in the Oromo language with a circulation of one hundred thousand. The copies are distributed during street evangelism and in the Gospel tents. The missionaries say there are cases where people come to church through the newspaper and also asked for prayer support.

Christ Is The Answer International Ministry has been actively developing its ministry in Ethiopia since 2021. Since then, a church and mission center have been opened in Addis Ababa, a media department established, and newspapers and calendars printed.
CITA Press Center.