CITA Develops Bible Alias Game
10 August 2023
The International Christ is the Answer ministries has developed a card game Bible Alias.

“We came up with an idea first to develop a Christian game like the classical Alias. Then we created a design and printed it. The game is interesting and useful as it stimulates the study of the Bible. We, being Christians, feel responsible to God and people to make a high-quality resource which would be market-competitive, set a tone in culture and change history,” shared developer Vitaliy Tkhoruk.

“Bible Alias is a table card team game. It is played in the same way its classical counterpart is played. One needs to explain his or her team words without using one-rooted words as soon as possible. The more words a team guesses, the more chances to win it has.
Words are selected from the Old and New Testament. Also, there are cards with additional tasks for completion of which a participant gets additional points. For example: “Imagine you are hiding in a case from Saul. Explain the words by whispering.” Or “disciples asked Jesus about the Kingdom of God and parables. Explain the words using questions.”
The set consists of cards, rules and a box citing the Bible: “Not that we are fit (qualified and sufficient in ability) of ourselves to form personal judgments or to claim or count anything as coming from us, but our power and ability and sufficiency are from God.” (2 Corinthians 3:5)
Staff of the Christ is the Answer media department in Rivne believe that young people are not interested in what was relevant even 50 years ago. That is why they create Christian resources for modern people. The game is designed to support communication in home groups, youth and family meetings. It is available in Ukrainian.
In 2021, the media department of the ministries made a table game Questions for Communication in Ukrainian, English, Amkhar and Russian.

A number of other games – Questions for the Married, Bible Issues, Apostles and In 30 Seconds – are currently being developed.
CITA press-center.