The heart of the Mission is in Rivne. Mission director Taras Sen founded the Christ is the Answer church in Rivne. 

It was there that they first began to use and implement various instruments of the Mission’s ministry to preach the Gospel, which later began to be practiced in other regions. The Mission’s media department also operates in Rivne.

Christ is the Answer missionaries conduct charity eye clinics, children’s and themed holidays for the city and region residents with the support of local authorities, and distribute evangelistic materials. 

Every day in the center of Rivne there is an evangelistic tent where everyone can receive spiritual counseling, prayer and literature for spiritual development. 

At the beginning of the full-scale war in 2022, a team of missionaries and volunteers in Rivne organized temporary accommodation, food, and social and psychological assistance for internally displaced persons.

The church operated a food warehouse to store and pack humanitarian aid before sending it to the war zones to people in need.

The missionaries in Rivne also helped women and children to cross the border with Poland, Romania and Moldova in search of a safe place. 

For internally displaced persons from different regions of Ukraine who found refuge in Rivne, the missionaries organized free eye clinics and distributed food packages. 

They also organized an Easter event, a picnic, Children’s Day, and a charity trip to the Carpathians. 

In Rivne, communications with the local media – TV channels and print media – are being developed through the Mission Director.  

The population of Rivne is almost 244 thousand people as of 2017.

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Our results



5,000 evangelistic campaigns carried out


5 million

5 million “Christ is the Answer” newspapers published


300+ projects

More than 300 church projects implemented



More than 10,000 people fed


20 houses

More than 20 houses of prayer built / renovated

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