CITA in Peru: First Steps in Spreading the Word of God

3 March 2025

Peru is the same country where massive, mysterious figures—Nasca geoglyphs—are drawn in the desert, their size visible only from a bird’s-eye view. It’s the land of the descendants of the native Indian tribes—Quechua and Aymara—and the ancient Inca settlement of Machu Picchu, which attracts tourists from all over the world.

A country with breathtaking landscapes, where deserts meet the Pacific Ocean, and alpacas graze on colorful mountains.

Nearly half of the country’s population lives below the poverty line. Crime is rampant in large cities. In the capital, a “wall of shame,” 10 kilometers long, divides the poor and the rich with a concrete fence topped with barbed wire…

In the fall of 2024, Ukrainian missionaries from CITA visited Peru for the first time to introduce themselves and explore future cooperation in spreading the Gospel through the tools of the Ministry.

“We want to invest ourselves, our prayers, and our strength into spreading the Gospel in Peru,” said Taras Sen, missionary and director of CITA.

During the first 4-day trip, the Ukrainian leaders held a meeting for forty local pastors and leaders and hosted a family program.

They visited a local church service, prayed for deliverance, and strengthened people with God’s power.

As a gift from CITA, the Peruvian leaders received Spanish-language communication games, magnets with Bible verses, postcards for family conferences, and small flags with the Ministry’s logo.

A charity eye clinic was held for representatives of the indigenous tribes. 50 participants received qualified medical help, free glasses, and heard about Christ.

At the same time, the event provided an opportunity to share experience with the local church on how to conduct such clinics in the future.

The Ministry presented the local pastor with a set of equipment for eye examinations.

They distributed newspapers titled “Christ is the Answer” and Spanish-language calendars.

On the Pacific coast, the Ministry’s director prayed for Peru and South America, asking that the Gospel would reach more hearts.

Through the use of the evangelistic tools of the “Christ is the Answer” international ministry, the Gospel is being spread in 11 countries in South and Central America.

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