Taras Sen taught at “New Generation” Bible School

17 June 2024

Taras Sen, director of “Christ is the Answer” ministry and pastor of the church of the same name, taught at the 40-day international Bible school of “New Generation” movement along with 40 pastors from different countries of the world. 


“Spiritual gifts are good, but something else is needed: our character must be in line with God’s Word. Therefore, I would like to highlight six characteristics of people through whom God works,” the speaker began, looking at the following attributes: purity of heart, initiative, selflessness and devotion, filling with the Spirit of God, faithfulness, and humility. 

Noting that God looks at the intentions of the heart, which must be pure in His eyes, Taras Sen shared his own experience of how the Lord worked on his heart as a servant and gave biblical examples. 

Initiative or commitment to God’s work is the next attribute of a minister. According to Taras Sen, when a person takes initiative and looks for opportunities to serve God, He will guide that person. From time to time in the life of a minister, there are periods when one must act decisively on the principle of “closed-open doors” while seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit to preach God’s Word. 

Selflessness and devotion means giving up everything that is not pleasing God. The ministry director said that in his life, he had opportunities to be involved in politics and business, which he gave up to preach the Gospel because he realized that one cannot be successful in politics and serve God at the same time.  

“God will never forget what you had to give up for His sake, and He will definitely bless you. And there can be no success without selflessness and devotion,” the speaker said. 

According to Taras Sen, when people are filled with the Holy Spirit, they are able to feel Him, understand God’s will, accept God’s guidance, and understand where to go in their ministry. 

Another condition for being used by God in His work is to be faithful, someone who can be relied upon. The pastor emphasized the need to be wholehearted in doing God’s will.  

Humility is the sixth characteristic that Taras Sen talked about. He reminded us that only humble people receive grace from God. He pointed out that it is important to be humble before God, not before problems. Brokenness and humility are two very different states. A broken person has no answers to prayers and no faith, no desire to act in God’s purpose, which plays into the devil’s hands.   

To be humble is to realize that all victories and achievements are the work of God’s grace. 

Taras Sen also introduced the students to the activities of the Ministry and showed them the missionary work in practice, including a video of the cruises. 

In turn, the International Bible School team, led by Bishop Andriy Tyshchenko of the New Generation Church Association, thanked the CITA ministry director for the cooperation: 

“We are very grateful for the video you sent to our students. Your words have inspired us all and helped us to deepen our understanding of the faith. May God bless you and your ministry and fill you with strength and wisdom in all your endeavors.

Taras Sen has 23 years of pastoral experience, having planted churches in Luhansk and Rivne.  He has been pastoring Christ Is the Answer Church in Rivne for eight years and has been the director of the international ministry of the same name for ten years, working in more than 20 countries. 

Press Center of CITA Ministry. 

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