Ethiopia: more than 100 thousand people came to crusade
1 March 2022
In Ethiopia, in the city of Hosanna, the Christ is the Answer minstries in cooperation with local churches held the third evangelistic crusade, which gathered more than one hundred thousand people.

According to Taras Sen, the speaker of the event, pastor and director of the Christ is the Answer ministries, this crusade is an answer from God to prayers and the fulfillment of previously planned intentions.
Over a hundred thousand people came on the last day of the crusade to hear the Word of God and receive salvation in Jesus Christ.

The speaker and his team of ministers prayed for healing and deliverance from demonic influence, and people testified of being healed from various illnesses and receiving freedom.
“Thank God for the opportunity to be at the crusade, thank you for giving the organizers the desire to care for people in Ethiopia who need help, and most importantly – do not know Jesus Christ. For all the good they have done, I pray that God blesses them with a long life, may there be more grace and gifts in their ministry,” shared Yeshi Gebresilassie, a participant of the crusade.”
“At the crusade, many people testified about the received healing and liberation, many reconciled with God. God has restored the spiritual thirst for Him in our city that was lost 10 years ago. The services of Pastor Taras were very dynamic, and we witnessed the glory of God, the manifested love of the Lord Jesus in people’s lives,” said Alemu Chalemyu, minister of the Union of Evangelical Churches in Hosanna.

On the last day of the crusade, a gathering of thousands prayed for peace in Ukraine.
“It was very pleasant to hear the sincere prayers of our African brothers and sisters for our Motherland. They prayed with all their hearts for Ukraine, because Ukrainians came to serve them. Although, teling the truth, it was very difficult to minister, because a war had started in my country, people were dying every day… and my wife and children spent the night in the basement due to the threat of bombing.

“We flew to Africa and were preparing to conduct a crusade, but a few days later news of the war shocked us.
Before each service, I understood that I needed to think about the sermon, but all my thoughts were about my homeland, family, and friends. Of course, our return flight to Ukraine was canceled, so we had to find other ways to get home,” said Taras Sen.

In addition to the massive event, the Ministries team held pastoral conferences for 200 ministers and leaders for two days. Pastor Taras Sen taught biblical truths, sharing his own experience, and spoke about evangelism, missionary work, pitfalls of the devil for ministers, and more.

A family meeting was also held for local pastors and their wives, with 400 people in attendance. The seminar’s theme was “Ten Commandments of a Happy Marriage,” for which pre-prepared postcards with Bible verses about the family in Amharic, themed magnets for gifts, and more were used. Couples learned to compliment each other and played games that strengthen family relationships.
As Taras Sen noted, one of the goals was to show the format of family meetings. Ministers promised to hold seminars for families in churches.

During the trip to Ethiopia, CITA missionaries distributed tens of thousands of newspapers, set up five evangelization tents for the distribution of Christian literature and prayer for people.

Needy people in Hosanna received food packages for a month for a family of 4-5 people from the Ministries.
Pastor Taras Sen also recorded television programs on family topics on the national TV channel.
It should be noted that the Christ is the Answer ministries in 2021, in the spring and autumn, held two evangelistic crusades, eye clinics, and seminars for pastors and ministers in various cities of Ethiopia.
Press Center of the Christ is the Answer Ministries.