CITA to Hold Gospel Crusade in Ethiopia in July

15 July 2024

On July 18-21, Christ is the Answer International Ministry, in partnership with local churches, will hold a large-scale evangelistic crusade in Boditi, south-central Ethiopia, with more than 50,000 participants. 

анонс крусейд липень

According to the ministry’s director, Taras Sen, this will be the tenth anniversary of the crusade. During the three years of ministry in Ethiopia, God has helped organize such events, for which the team is grateful. Relationships have been established with local pastors, singers and authorities in the cities where the crusades took place. Hundreds of thousands of people have attended the meetings, thousands have turned to God, and thousands have been healed and delivered from unclean spirits. 

“The ministers give thanks not only for the crusade, but also for the specific charity work: helping the poor, eye clinics, all of which respond to the needs of the local people. They also note that they have noticed that we have come to them not to take, but to give, because the motto of our ministry is ‘to love means to serve,’ which makes their hearts open to cooperation,” commented Taras Sen.

The organizing ministers have been praying and fasting as usual, so they are expecting an outpouring of God’s power for deliverance, healing and repentance. 

The missionaries are eager to pass on their zeal to the local ministers to work in God’s field not only in their own areas but also in other regions. 

A pastors’ conference and a family conference will be held for pastors and church leaders. Ukrainian missionaries will also hold a youth meeting on premarital relationships. 

An eye clinic for one thousand people and the taping of evangelistic programs for television in the region are planned. 

At the same time, ministry director Taras Sen will teach the fifth group of students at the “Christ is the Answer” missionary school and also conduct water baptism for Christians from daughter churches.  

The ninth crusade was held in Chuko and earlier in Herar, Dire Dawa, Shone, Sodo, Dilla, Hosaina, Durame and Shinshicho.

CITA Press Center.

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