CITA missionaries organize children’s camps all over Ukraine 

31 July 2024

Zaporizhzhia, Mykolaiv, Ternopil: CITA missionaries hold summer camps for children in the regions.  


“Heaven is real”. This was the title of a children’s camp in the Zaporizhzhia region. Fun relay races, outdoor games, songs and skits, delicious food, evening gatherings. And most importantly, the children heard about Christ. 

Mykolaiv region


For the children of the region, the missionaries chose a marine theme and called the camp program “Treasure Island”, which was held in the towns and villages of the region. In August, they plan to continue the tour of events for children in the region.  

Дільниче (8)

“These days, we have embarked on an incredible journey with the crew of the “Pilgrim” ship. Together we resisted pirates and searched for the treasure – the salvation through Jesus Christ. Our journey included exciting stops: trampolines, sweets, sports grounds, and a workshop where children could make crafts. The so-called treasures of the sea that the children were looking for were texts from the Bible. We are very thankful to the Lord for His blessing, protection and guidance,” said Inna Titova, children’s missionary in the Southern Region. 

During the children’s events, the missionaries say they are able to build relationships with adults – representatives of the local authorities, directors of the cultural centers where the events are held. They also share the Gospel with them.


“On the fourth day of camp, the children gave a concert for their families. Moms, dads and grandparents could see everything they had prepared during the days – songs, skits. I had the opportunity to share the Word of God with the people and tell them about our Savior. People listened and at the end we prayed together. We thank God that through children’s events we can talk to adults about God,” commented Viktor Pavlyshyn, missionary and pastor of the church in Nova Odesa. 



In July, CITA missionary Andriy Vasenda and a team of volunteers, with the support and organization of Bread of Life Church (Ternopil) and Light of Reformation Charitable Foundation, held a summer camp for 25 children of Ukraine’s heroes and their mothers in the Carpathian Mountains. The local authorities helped with transportation. 

The recreational program included art therapy, hiking, excursions, socializing, and seminars with the participation of specialists, including a Christian psychologist.  


According to the missionary, inspiring topics were discussed each day: loving God, hoping and trusting in the Lord. Every morning, everyone prayed together for Ukraine and for the needs of each person. 

The ministry to children is one of the activities of the Ministry to preach the Gospel through sports grounds, holidays, camps, clubs and other meetings.

CITA Press Center. 

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