CITA Ministry to hold a series of events in South America

18 September 2024

From September 19 to October 5, the international ministry Christ is the Answer will hold evangelistic and training events in local churches in four South American countries.


Ministry director Taras Sen will visit Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru for the first time to conduct events and train local ministers in the use of Gospel outreach tools:

“I expect that God will favor this trip and that we will first find a common language with the pastors of the churches in these countries for further cooperation. The main goal of the trip is to train local teams, for example, how to conduct eye clinics. I also have the goal of discussing with the pastors the distribution of the evangelistic magazine “Christ is the Answer” in Spanish and tents for street evangelism.

I am also waiting for the outpouring of God’s power, as evangelistic crusades with prayer for healing are planned in the cities of all four countries. And, of course, this trip is a good opportunity to strengthen ties with pastors with whom the Ministry has been working for about two years”.

In Brazil, he will visit the cities of São Paulo and Dirítiva, where he and the local church will conduct street evangelism, charity eye clinics where each participant will receive a pair of glasses as a gift, and training seminars for pastors. There will also be a family program for ministers using Christian games developed by the Ministry for communication in Spanish and a pastoral conference.

Similar programs will be held in local churches in other countries. Approximately 170 church leaders are expected to attend the meetings.

In Bolivia, in addition to the general program, there will be a meeting with the Chamani tribe in the jungle, who will hear about Christ for the first time. In Peru, the director of the Ministry will visit churches in Lima, and in Colombia, in Cartagena.   

Christ is the Answer Ministry has been working with Latin American countries since 2022. The Ministry’s Gospel tools, such as eye clinics and calendars, are being used in Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua.   

CITA Ministry Press Center.

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