CITA Ministry Launched in South America

11 October 2024

From September 19 to October 5, CITA (Christ Is the Answer) Ministry director Taras Sen visited Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Colombia as part of a mission trip.


In São Paulo, Brazil, Taras Sen visited a Christian rehabilitation center for alcohol and drug addicts with local ministers. He held two thematic meetings for the local pastors: a family meeting and a pastoral meeting, where the director spoke about the work of the Ministry in different countries.


In Bolivia, missionaries visited two Indian tribes in the jungle, where they heard about Christ for the first time.


On the Pacific coast of Peru, the missionaries held a pastoral meeting for local ministers. Nearly 50 representatives of Indian tribes came to an eye clinic to have their eyes checked and receive glasses.


In Colombia, the ministry of eye clinics has begun and will be held on a regular basis. The missionaries visited a prison in Cartagena where Taras Sen shared his testimony of being freed from captivity by so-called LPR separatists and preached the Gospel.

In each country, the missionaries distributed the “Christ is the Answer” newspaper and calendars in Spanish, and held eye clinics where anyone could have their eyes checked and receive free eyeglasses.


“The purpose of our trip was to establish cooperation with local ministers, to study the situation in the region in terms of preaching the Gospel, and to understand how the Ministry can be useful in each of these countries. An equally important task was to find people who would continue the work of evangelization. Now I can say with confidence that we have achieved our goal. I can see the hand of God in everything that helped and supported us. Especially in the fact that almost 2000 people repented and decided to give their lives to Jesus,” said Taras Sen. 


The Ministry plans to continue to support eye clinics in South America, as well as produce an evangelistic tent and print calendars and a Christian newspaper in Portuguese in the near future.

In 2022 and 2023, Christ is the Answer Ministry has begun work in Latin America, including Mexico, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Honduras.

Christ Is the Answer Ministry Press Center.

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