CITA Ministry Celebrates Director’s Birthday

9 December 2024

On December 6, the director of Christ Is the Answer International Ministry was greeted by missionaries and co-workers from around the world.

“May God bless you, Pastor Taras! May the Lord bless your ministry and your family. You are a blessing to us. We wish you all the best,” greeted CITA Ethiopia’s Senior Pastor Erubal with the team.      

“Pastor Taras, happy birthday! God bless you! We will keep praying for you. May the Lord fulfill your wishes and always be with you. We bless you with the 90th Psalm,” a missionary family from India, Daniel and Angelina, sent greetings to the office staff.  

“We greet you! We wish you a happy birthday!” – the staff of the ministry’s office in Rivne greeted the director with a well-known birthday song.  

A festive table and a box with a surprise were waiting for the birthday boy, as well as congratulations from the entire administrative staff. The director took their special wishes, printed and rolled up in a scroll, from the balloons. 

Throughout the day, the chat room of Christ is the Answer missionaries in Ukraine was full of wishes addressed to the director with words of congratulations and gratitude for their work together in God’s field.  

Taras Sen is the director of Christ is the Answer International ministry and pastor of the church of the same name in Rivne, Ukraine. The Ministry’s activities are spread in more than 20 countries around the world using various evangelistic tools. 

CITA Ministry Press Center.

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