CITA: How the Gospel is Spread in Countries Around the World

30 August 2022

Bangladesh, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, India. These are new countries for the Christ is the Answer international mission where missionary work has been carried out for the past two months. The activities of the Ministries in Ethiopia, where a local church and a missionary center operate, have also expanded.


CITA: How the Gospel is Spread in Countries Around the World

In this country in South Asia with a population of about 165 million people, of which almost 90% profess Islam, the Christ is the Answer missionaries helped widows with children with food packages in one of the provinces.

Central America

In Poland, CITA director Taras Sen happened to meet a pastor from Mexico, which created an opportunity for a missionary trip to Central America, to three countries: Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras.

CITA: How the Gospel is Spread in Countries Around the World

Missionaries from Ukraine held free eye clinics, a family meeting for pastors of local churches, and distributed food kits to the poor for the Masauan and Mayan descendants.

At church services, missionaries prayed for healing, and God’s power was manifested in setting people free from demons. Local residents also prayed for Ukraine.

CITA: How the Gospel is Spread in Countries Around the World

Apart from this, teams were trained to organize and conduct eye clinics. The main goal of the missionaries was to share the experience of using this tool of outreach with colleagues from Central America.

CITA: How the Gospel is Spread in Countries Around the World

The missionaries say that they intend to continue their work here: to hold charity events (eye clinics, helping the poor); print tents for street evangelism and the newspaper “Christ is the Answer”, create a YouTube channel in Spanish.


CITA ministers in India are starting a Bible school in September. It is noteworthy that the teacher will be a native of Hinduism, who accepted Jesus Christ in 2011 and since then has been devotedly following Him, being responsible for several directions in the local church. At the moment, student enrollment is underway, as well as the preparation of the material base.

At the beginning of the studies, the students will be joined by a minister of the Ministries from Ethiopia with a seminar on calling and vision from God.

The students will also have practical classes, in particular street evangelism on weekends.


According to CITA missionaries, printed newspapers are still relevant in this country of Horn of Africa. After all, only 20% of the population has access to the Internet.

CITA: How the Gospel is Spread in Countries Around the World

In July, the Ministries printed the first 100,000 print run of the newspaper Christ is the Answer in the Oromo language. The team of the missionary center is actively distributing the new issue in the Oromo regions. Previously, the printed edition was published in Amharic.

Oromo is the mother tongue of over 35 million people and is the second most spoken language in Ethiopia after Amharic.

The Christ is the Answer international ministries cooperates with ministers and churches in Ukraine, Europe, the USA, Africa and Asia.

Press center of the Christ is the Answer ministries.

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