CITA Eye Clinics in September: First event in Chernivtsi

2 October 2024

On September 21, the volunteers of the CITA ministry in Chernivtsi held a charity eye clinic for the first time. 

In Zaporizhzhia, Christ is the Answer missionaries continue to evangelize with this tool: they held two events in the city and the region to distribute eyeglasses.

In Ethiopia, about 400 prisoners received glasses. 


The Chernivtsi volunteers gained considerable experience in organizing free eye clinics during their service in the Luhansk region. After becoming internally displaced, they continued their work on the basis of the Church of Christ the Savior. 

In one of the districts of Chernivtsi, they distributed invitations and made announcements to the residents, and the first eye clinic brought together about 30 people, mostly middle-aged.


The invited doctor gave a consultation and wrote prescriptions. Each participant received eyeglasses according to their needs. 

In addition to the medical services, the volunteers showed evangelistic videos to the participants, answered their questions and talked with everyone, and the ministers prayed for those who wanted to come. 


“We are pleased with the eye clinics. After the campaigns, we see many grateful people who could not afford to buy glasses because of their difficulties. Secondly, with this tool we can reach people better, because they also need communication and answers, and in this format it becomes real,” said CITA volunteer Oleksandr.  

The minister says that after the eye clinic he saw several people at a church meeting. 


In Zaporizhzhia and its region, particularly in the village of Petro-Mykhailivka, Christ is the Answer missionaries gathered more than 70 people for free eye clinics. The events were held in cooperation with the ministers of the City of Refuge and City of Life churches.  

The missionaries usually invite people through social media communities, such as those of building residents. The events are held near the location of the home groups to which the eye clinic attendants are invited. 


According to Ihor, a CITA missionary, two people came to a home group after the last event: 

“At a joint monthly meeting of ministers in Zaporizhzhia, I always talk about the effectiveness of eye clinics in terms of evangelism, especially when I hear from my colleagues some disappointment about the lack of desired results in the Gospel. This tool allows us to develop friendly relationships with people: after their first experience with an eye clinic, we continue to communicate. Also, the organization of the eye clinic forms us as a team”.

The minister said that there is more demand for eye clinics in the different communities of the region than there are opportunities, because such events require specific equipment and paid services of an ophthalmologist, which is not always resolved quickly.  


Typically, while people are waiting for their turn to see the doctor, the missionaries communicate with them, sing evangelistic songs, and show videos about the activities of the church/mission.

In addition to eyeglasses, the people received food packages, Christian literature, and evangelistic newspapers from the Ministry. 


In the Muslim region of Oromia, in the Shashamane district, Christ is the Answer missionaries conducted an eye clinic for 380 prisoners. The Gospel was preached in Amharic and Oromo.


“Some of the prisoners believed in Jesus Christ and received Him into their hearts through prayers.

At first the prison authorities did not allow us to film or take pictures, but they really liked the eye clinic, so later they gave us permission to film. The authorities of this city thanked us because it was the first time they had ever held such an event,” the missionaries shared. 

Eye clinics are one of the Gospel outreach tools of Christ Is the Answer International Ministries, which operates in over 15 countries. 

CITA Ministry press center.

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