The printed materials of the “Christ Is The Answer” ministry, apart from newspapers and calendars, include the following Gospel tools:

School diaries and notebooks with prayers and Bible verses.
In 2018, the design of the school diary was developed in collaboration with the National University “Ostroh Academy.” Its pages contain information about Nobel Prize laureates. Over the years, thousands of diaries and several million Christian-themed notebooks have been printed and distributed across Ukraine.

Postcards with Bible verses for family meetings in various languages, including Ukrainian, English, Amharic, and Spanish.

Bright postcards with Bible texts on family topics adorn meetings for married couples in churches, usually conducted by the ministry director, Taras Sen, during visits to different countries. The postcards are given as mementos of the event.

Family meetings have been held by the director in Ukraine, Ethiopia, Latin America, and South America. The primary goal of such meetings is to strengthen families and inspire churches to organize similar events to promote relationship building in couples.

Greeting card envelope with Bible verses.

This tool is useful for greeting an unbeliever with money and drawing attention to a Bible verse.

Magnets with Bible texts and tourist locations featuring the Ministry’s logo.

After missionary conferences and charity trips to the Carpathians, organized by the “Christ Is The Answer” ministry for its workers and various groups, each participant receives a magnet as a souvenir.

“It may seem like little things—envelopes, postcards, and fridge magnets. But all our life is made up of little things! It’s important that Christians use absolutely everything to bring God’s Word,” said the director of the CITA ministry, Taras Sen.

Printed products

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