Bright, well-made, and above all, with an eternal message – these are the calendars of CITA. They have been printed by the ministry since 2015.
The calendars evangelize in the homes of people in big cities and in remote areas that can only be reached on foot. They are hung on walls and in convenient places in homes. Looking at the date on the calendar, a person cannot help but notice the words “Bread of Life” written on it.
Because of their attractive design, these paper “preachers” spread the gospel not only during the current year. They remain on the wall as part of the interior, reminding us of eternal values and bringing us closer to God for years to come.
The calendars contain quotations from the Bible, prayers for repentance along with the Lord’s Prayer and prayers for the servicemen of Ukraine.
The annual circulation was 200 thousand copies, in 2024 it is 100 thousand. They are produced on the basis of voluntary donations.
The calendars are distributed in Ukraine and abroad. They are published in Ukrainian, Spanish, Vietnamese, Khmer (Cambodia), Uzbek, Portuguese (Brazil), Baum (Bangladesh), Urdu (Pakistan), and Amharic and Oromo (Ethiopia).
They are distributed to churches and volunteers for evangelism.
According to CITA missionaries, the contacts listed on the calendars are used to contact them for prayer and spiritual guidance.
Check out one of the stories of conversion to God through the calendar on our Telegram channel dated November 13, 2024.
Make the calendars your evangelization tool by ordering them by phone:
+38 096 813 41 75