CITA supports family-type orphanages in the southeastern part of Nepal.

Nepal is a small Asian country full of ancient Buddhist and Hindu shrines. Officially, more than 80% of the population are Hindu. It is considered one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world with a population of over 30 million.

The orphanage is home to 8 children and a young woman with kids who had to escape domestic violence in her family.
Older children study at a public school. During the holidays, they studied at a Bible school, which helped them to return to the relationships with Christ (avoiding traditional participation in Hindu rites, attending church services, sharing with their peers about Jesus Christ). Missionaries work with younger kids at home.

Since they have to rent a house to run this orphanage, such situation creates some tension with unfriendly landlords. But even in such difficult conditions, missionaries continue to care for these children and pray for people of Nepal.


Our results



5,000 evangelistic campaigns carried out


5 million

5 million “Christ is the Answer” newspapers published


300+ projects

More than 300 church projects implemented



More than 10,000 people fed


20 houses

More than 20 houses of prayer built / renovated

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